
Barry Morrison

Barry Morrison is a dCloud Project Manager. He currently manages the creation of Data Center and Virtualization content for dCloud.

In addition, he also leads the dCloud UI/UX development team that have just released the new 2.0 version. Among lots of other cool initiatives, he and his team are currently working on the upcoming Mobile app.

He loves all things Techie or related to Football (Soccer) & Tennis. He can be found on Twitter, sharing Tech Stories, dCloud News, Gifs and the odd Dilbert.


October 13, 2016


Digitally Sell at #FullSpeed: Cisco dCloud Demos Help You Avoid Death by PowerPoint

In the summer of 2012, I was asked to pick up a high profile project with time restrictions for Bank of America/Merrill Lynch (BAML). The brief was to implement a mobile phone recording solution for UK traders to comply with UK’s FSA rules on mobile call recording for financial institutions. Part of…